
Kyiv Perennial

Between Bridges
24 February–4 May 2024
Adalbertstraße 43, 10179 Berlin

Kyiv Perennial interprets the idea of the biennial as a collective, long-term endeavor against the backdrop of survival – politically, socially, and culturally: “Perennial” means “lasting”, “enduring”, or “persisting”. Through presenting artistic and discursive practices, Kyiv Perennial addresses the multi-layered realities of war. The contributions engage and examine a wide-ranging spectrum of urgent themes, including war trauma, flight and displacement, the social and political polarization in European societies, ecological destruction caused by military conflict, and decolonial tendencies in contemporary Eastern European culture and politics.

Russia’s ongoing invasion of Ukraine has given rise to a new wave of investigative, research-based, and documentary approaches deployed by artists, activists, and journalists. Their works have amounted to a collection of evidence of war crimes that reach from the killing of civilians and the erasure of architectural and other cultural heritage to environmental destruction that will affect Ukrainians until long after the end of the war. In addition to presenting these, Kyiv Perennial will put back into focus the Russian invasion of the Donbas region, the history of the Crimean Tatars, and German war crimes on Ukrainian soil during World War II. Going beyond a mere reckoning with the past, the exhibition orients itself towards the future, seeking possible exit strategies from the current deadlock of war, authoritarianism, and colonialism. 

Artists at Between Bridges:
Anonymous, Zuzanna Czebatul, Roman Khimey and Yarema Malashchuk, Mykola Ridnyi

Roman Khimei and Yarema Malashchuk, Explosions Near the Museum, 2023. HD video, 14 min.
Roman Khimei and Yarema Malashchuk, Explosions Near the Museum, 2023. HD video, 14 min.
Roman Khimei and Yarema Malashchuk, Explosions Near the Museum, 2023. HD video, 14 min.
Roman Khimei and Yarema Malashchuk, Explosions Near the Museum, 2023. HD video, 14 min.
Roman Khimei and Yarema Malashchuk, Explosions Near the Museum, 2023. HD video, 14 min.
Roman Khimei and Yarema Malashchuk, Explosions Near the Museum, 2023. HD video, 14 min.
Roman Khimei and Yarema Malashchuk, Explosions Near the Museum, 2023. HD video, 14 min.
Zuzanna Czebatul, Kvertus Counter FPV Jamming Station, 2024. Polylactic acid, metal, lacquer.
Zuzanna Czebatul, Kvertus Counter FPV Jamming Station, 2024. Polylactic acid, metal, lacquer.
Zuzanna Czebatul, Kvertus Counter FPV Jamming Station, 2024. Polylactic acid, metal, lacquer.
Zuzanna Czebatul, Kvertus Counter FPV Jamming Station, 2024. Polylactic acid, metal, lacquer.
Anonymous, To Watch a War, 2018. Found footage video, 311 min.

Events in the context of the exhibition

The Kharkiv Trilogy
Screening and talk by Mykola Ridnyi
Sunday, 28 April, 5 pm  
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Queer Fighters of Ukraine
Screening and talk by Angelika Ustymenko and Alex King
Saturday, 13 April, 5pm
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In Defense of Anonymous Authors – On the Role of the Witness In the Blurred Reality of a Warzone
Presentation by Yuriy Hrytsyna
Saturday, 6 April, 5pm
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Decolonizing Eastern Europe
Panel discussion with Epp Annus, Franziska Davies, and Darya Tsymbalyuk
Saturday, 16 March, 5pm
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Press on the exhibition

Timo Feldhaus, Mit Kunst und Wissenschaft Politik machen, Berliner Zeitung, 23 February, 2024 (DE)
Simone Reber, Kunst in Kriegszeiten: Kyiv Biennale macht Station in Berlin, Deutschlandfunk Kultur, 26 February 2024 (Radio, DE)
Barbara Wiegand, Kyiv Perenniale in Berlin, rbb online, 28 February 2024 (Radio, DE)
Yelizaveta Landenberger, Die Kunst liegt in Scherben, Frankfurter Allgemeine, 2 March 2024 (DE)
Verena Harzer, Leere Vitrinen und Scherbenhaufen, taz, 18 March 2024 (DE)
Elisabeth Bauer, Der Krieg gilt auch den Museen,, 23 March 2024 (DE)
Jens Hinrichsen, Investigative Kunst zum Krieg und die Suche nach Auswegen, Tagesspiegel, 9 April 2024 (DE)
Duncan Bllanntyne-Way, Kyiv Perennial: “War is brought to our doorstep”, The Berliner, 15 April 2024 (EN)
Elisabeth Bauer, Eine schwerwiegende, nachlebende Abwesenheit, Texte zur Kunst, 24 April, 2024 (DE)
Michael Hauffen, Berlin: Kyiv Perenniale, Kunstforum #295, 2024 (DE)